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Exeter Works doors will be closing on 31 March, but you will still be able to get support and guidance on our website. The Youth Hub will open the doors to its new home in Exeter Library from 3 April.

We are delighted to be working with Learn By Design in order to deliver a virtual careers event to showcase local employment & education opportunities and support young people across schools and colleges within the LEP area of Devon, Somerset, Torbay and Plymouth.

The event will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your sector and any Apprenticeships, Traineeships, T-Levels, Kickstart, Internships, Work Experience or general vacancies you may have.  

The experience will give students the opportunity to explore live presentations/video content from both local and national employers and we will encourage you to engage with Q&As, quizzes and much more in order to support young people make informed choices about future career options and pathways.  Targeted sessions will run across three days/evenings for each year group, taking place on 27th, 28th & 29th April 2021. Students will be suitably prepped, teaching resources will be provided and follow up evaluations will take place.

Further information and a link to register will follow shortly but in the meantime, please do add this date to your diaries so that you don’t miss out on this FREE event opportunity!